Business challenge

Chief Technology Officer

Walter has an engineering background, but he currently assumes a managerial role at a large technology company. He is a big fan of the Hungarian engineering culture, and he prefers working with software developers from Budapest when it comes to outsourcing a project.

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Business benefit

CEO & Founder

Luuk is a real self-made man managing his tech startup. He is building a lean organization and outsources everything he can. Luuk loves Mndwrk because we support his entire agile software innovation process from mockups to DevOps.

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Key differentiation

Tech recruiter

Lana studied cultural anthropology before becoming a professional tech recruiter. She loves working with people, but nowadays, her job is not easy; finding competent software engineers is increasingly difficult.

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Special offering

CEO & Founder

Luuk is a real self-made man managing his tech startup. He is building a lean organization and outsources everything he can. Luuk loves Mndwrk because we support his entire agile software innovation process from mockups to DevOps.

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